Pets and Wild Animals in the Life of Jack London

Jack London was not only a writer of adventures but also a person who wanted to experience them firsthand, which is why his desire to travel brought him from the snowy mountains of the Klondike to the shores of Japan. Although his writing career is famous, the quieter and more personal aspects of his life are not as extensively covered. Let's explore Jack London's relationship with domestic pets and wild animals.

At 30 years old, Jack London lived up to his novels of adventure by leading a very exciting life himself
At 30 years old, Jack London lived up to his novels of adventure by leading a very exciting life himself

Throughout his life, London wrote numerous short stories, more than 50 novels, and numerous essays and articles. His novels greatly influenced the adventure genre and remain popular among many readers today.

Jack London's connection with nature

Jack London's affection for animals stemmed from his upbringing in the picturesque landscapes of California's sunny Bay Area. During his upbringing, San Francisco had a population of under 350,000 individuals, and it was still feasible to experience a rural atmosphere near the city center. The sound of sheep bleating and horses whinnying was constantly noticeable and was never far away.

The gorgeous California landscape left a lasting impression on Jack London.
The gorgeous California landscape left a lasting impression on Jack London.

The boy's memory was forever marked by the small and beautiful pleasures of fishing in a flowing stream, watching the sunlight play on the water, and relaxing under a sky filled with stars next to a crackling bonfire.

London and his dog Rollo strolled amidst the Pacific beaches, adorned with lovely flowers each spring, and among dense redwood trees, taking in the natural pine aroma and enjoying the chorus of bird songs
The pulse of nature was felt in every step, a primal rhythm that ignited something deep within London. 
Jack London had an active upbringing. He spent most of his time outside in California nature with his dog Rollo
Jack London spent a lot of his early years outside. He and his dog Rollo spend most of their time outdoors in nature. 

London's passion for outdoor activity started when he was young and has continued to influence his writing and perspective on life.

Nicest singing birds native to the Bay Area of California

The Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) is one of the most lovely singing birds Jack London has certainly encountered in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Song Sparrow is named because its melodic singing. Each male song sparrow has a unique variant of his own song. Sparrows are prevalent across the San Francisco Bay Area, inhabiting a variety of habitats including parks, gardens, marshes, and scrublands. They are often seen foraging on the ground or perched on shrubs and fences, making them accessible to birdwatchers. Song Sparrows are non-migratory residents of the Bay Area, so you may hear them sing all year.

Bay Area Birds: The song sparrow is one of the most melodious birds in North America
The song sparrow is one of the most melodious birds in North America

The California towhee is a robust, ground-dwelling bird found in the western United States. The California towhee lacks the flashy appearance of certain birds, yet its singing powers are nothing short of incredible.

California Towhee call is a rich, musical series of notes that echo throughout its environment, commonly compared to the phrase "drink-your-teeeeea."  

With its clear and beautiful tones, the Towhee lends a delightful soundtrack to California's landscapes. 

His Faithfull Dog Rollo

London owned a mixed-breed dog resembling a Border Collie as its first pet. He turned into Jack's loyal companion and buddy as they roamed through the undulating hills and lovely forests of California.

In his essay "The Other Animals", London acknowledges that his childhood pet Rollo motivated him to explore the potential in animals, laying the groundwork for his iconic novels Call of the Wild and White Fang, where animal main characters exhibit intelligence, emotions, and loyalty.

Jack London with His Childhood Dog, Rollo

During Jack London's lifetime, different types of dog breeds such as Scottish Terriers, West Highland White Terriers, Boston Terriers, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and Spaniels became popular as pets in the San Francisco Bay Area.

They are of a small to medium size and easily adjust to city life. Both Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers were equally favored. Cocker Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, and other spaniels were commonly kept as pets in households because of their friendly demeanor and ability to be trained. Residents of the Bay Area were attracted to these characteristics when searching for family pets.

Border Collies

Collies are known as the "Einsteins of the dog world" due to their remarkable intelligence. They have eyes that appear to enter your soul, as well as extraordinary agility and attention span. They are natural herders, with an innate desire to control movement, whether it's gathering sheep or navigating a hectic family gathering. Border Collies form close bonds with people, even if they occasionally outsmart them. They are adventurous, motivated canines who are always eager to take on new challenges.
Rollo was a mixed-breed dog descended from Border Collies

Border Collies thrive on physical activity, which makes them ideal companions for people who share a passion for life. Border Collies' sleek, double-layered coat is weather-resistant and provides protection from the elements as they sprint over fields or navigate urban surroundings. Their appearance is beautiful, with a medium-sized athletic figure and a distinct look that exudes intelligence. Their alert stare, framed by perky ears and frequently topped with a signature white blaze or chest emblem, conveys an ever-present attentiveness, as if they are always one step ahead, eagerly expecting their next challenge.

Jake London As a Sailor

Jack's desire for excitement compelled him to depart from California's coast at just 16 years old and become a part of a ship's crew headed towards exotic locations. While sailing across the immense Pacific Ocean aboard the ship, Jack witnessed unfamiliar sights: tropical islands in the middle of the ocean, decorated with lush plants and touched by clear blue waters, and the occasional sighting of enormous whales emerging from the deep sea.

The ship's cargo was bound for Japan's bustling port of Yokohama, with Mount Fuji's snow-capped top nearby. Before returning to the United States, the ship stopped at the port to offload goods. Meanwhile, Jack London wandered throughout the city, observing everything with a careful eye. 

The crossing of the Pacific sparked Young London's enthusiasm for seafaring, which would later be reflected in his novels such as The Sea-Wolf and symbolized by renowned characters such as Wolf Larsen.

Young Jack London is photographed reading in Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon, with birds in cages above him, a common sight in public spaces of the 19th century USA

By the age of 17, Jack London had already gained life experiences that many individuals only get in their lifetime.

Despite having a wealth of worldy knowledge, London lacked formal schooling. While visiting Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon, he told the owner, John Heinold, that he wanted to attend university and become a writer. Heinold lent him money for tuition. London was admitted to the University of California, Berkeley in 1896, but due to financial difficulties, he was forced to depart in 1897 and never earned a degree. 

At the same time, London discovered a new job path: becoming a writer. He chose to visit Klondike to gain new experiences for his upcoming publications. 

Journey to Klondike in 1897

Those who travel often know how difficult it is to create long-term friendships. They also recognize how easy it is for travelers in other countries to bond with animals, which helps overcome feelings of loneliness. 

Jack London personally encountered this sense of companionship between humans and animals, which allowed him to fill his literary works with distinct animal personalities.

Prospecting in the Klondike would be impossible without the presence of strong and enduring sled dogs

In 1897, London became part of the Klondike Gold Rush and observed that Prospectors searching for gold in Klondike had to depend on dogs for transportation because they had no other options available.

According to London, "the prospectors needed strong, trainable dogs."

During his journey to Klondike with many miners, Jack London developed a fascination for sled dogs and made the decision to incorporate them into his stories.

Buck and White Fang: Jack London facination with Sled Dogs

Jack London's experiences with sled dogs inspired him to write two of his most famous novels, The Call of the Wild and White Fang.

Buck and White Fang: Jack London's Most Famous Animal Characters
Buck and White Fang: Jack London's Most Famous Animal Characters

The books illustrate the connection that can develop between people and animals based on mutual respect, trust, and a shared sense of adventure, while also highlighting animals as sentient creatures capable of feeling affection, loyalty, fear, and courage against the backdrop of the stunning North American wilderness.

Buck, a powerful and noble sled dog in London's 'The Call of the Wild', creates a close tie with John Thornton, and White Fang forms a substantial trusting relationship with Weedon Scott, a human character.

White Fang is a hybrid of a wild wolf and domestic dog, while Buck is a mix of a St. Bernard and Scotch shepherd.

St, Bernards Dogs

Jack London explains that Buck's ability to escape and survive in the wild in the book is attributed to his large size (140 pounds) and keen intelligence, traits he inherited from St. Bernards.

St. Bernards are dogs with kind hearts that match their large size. Even though they are large and intimidating, they have a friendly demeanor, endearing them to families. Their appearance features a dense, soft fur, expressive eyes, and loose cheeks that seem to be constantly grinning.

A fact that is not widely known, In the past, St. Bernards were employed as sled dogs

St. Bernards are best known for their job as rescue dogs in the snowy Alps, where they famously saved hikers stuck in an avalanche.
St. Bernards have a lesser-known history as sled dogs. 
Their strong body, stamina, and amazing power are valuable for transporting heavy items across challenging landscapes. Despite not having the quickness and nimbleness of smaller sled dogs, their consistent speed and unwavering dedication were essential in helping to navigate through snowy conditions.

Jack London and Cats

London's love for cats is not as well-known as his love for dogs, but he did make a statement once
 " A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not."

Jack London's views on vegetarianism and animal activism

In the introduction to his novel 'Michael, Brother of Jerry,' published after his death, London encouraged people to join animal-protection organizations in their community. 

London emphasized the importance of educating oneself about the ongoing cruelty inflicted on animals, claiming that it is imperative to raise awareness about this issue. He urged everyone, irrespective of gender or age, to learn about animal rights and to actively participate in local and national organizations aimed at ending animal cruelty.
At one point of time, London briefly became a vegetarian before resuming eating meat. However, he remained a staunch animal rights fighter till the end of his life.

Dogs' acrobatic shows were common in circus shows, and Jack London was against them

Moreover, London supported the idea of boycotting shows that used animals for entertainment in circuses.

“We will not have to think of anything, save when, in any theatre or place of entertainment, a trained-animal turn is presented before us,” London said. 

“Then, without premeditation, we may express our disapproval of such a turn by getting up from our seats and leaving the theatre for a promenade and a breath of fresh air outside, coming back, when the turn is over, to enjoy the rest of the programme. All we have to do is just that to eliminate the trained-animal turn from all public places of entertainment.”

Jack London believed that dogs possess instinct, sensation, emotion, and have the ability to engage in basic reasoning.

However, despite his affection for animals, London was fully aware of the intricacies surrounding their lives. His writings depict the brutal truths of surviving in nature, where only the strongest and most flexible animals can survive, showcasing both the beauty and cruelty of the natural world.


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